Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse...

I've been giving you a shot here and there of each of the theaters, but figured I'd share more of a holistic view put together by the designers.

They're pretty tiny looking here, but I promise if you click on them, you'll actually be able to see some detail. Lawren's been out meeting with some movie theater people in other cities, as well as our own incredible resource for film, UNCSA (or NCSA, whichever keeps me in your good graces). She's getting reacquainted with distribution rights and learning more and more about the day to day operations of running an art house theater. The thing I've noticed is how helpful every single person has been along the way. It's almost like there's some sort of Movie Theater Owner Mafia out there that's making sure to take care of their own. They shouldn't be confused with the Indian Mafia, a group I concocted in the sixth grade to ward off bullies, claiming they were gathering in Canada, all billion of them, with toothpicks in hand to take over. But I digress. Our new friends at the Fine Arts Theatre in Asheville and the CAMEO Art House Theatre in Fayetteville have been invaluable resources in understanding how to turn a passion for watching good movies into an experience for the community.

On the complete opposite side of the fun spectrum, Lawren also attended a tax seminar this past week. If you thought your personal taxes were more entertaining than Chad Ochocinco's twitter page (do yourself a favor if you've never taken the time to visit), then wait until you hear about business tax. NC Tax Code 117 Regulation C-b5 states that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I'm practically an accountant and when she tried to explain it, I got that glossed over look normally reserved for whenever I'm asked to change a diaper or do the dishes. So while most of running a theater is awesome, just know that it's not all fun and games.

Thanks for some of the suggestions for concessions. Keep 'em rolling in. Although I do think I gained an extra five pounds this Labor Day weekend after re-discovering Moon Pies.


  1. I smell a revolution!

    - Quant partner, checking in

  2. Thanks for the support - you'll be spared when the revolution arrives.

  3. I have to say, these pictures (along with me walking by and stalkerishly looking in the window the other day) make me all the more excited to have this thing open already!
