Sunday, September 20, 2009

Et tu, Brute?

The outpouring of support for Lawren's blog entry has really got me questioning my role here. I'm pretty sure that had I gotten to go to Toronto, I would have come back as Prime Minister of Canada. Just joshing, I enjoyed reading her recap as much as the rest of you. But the only reason I did hand the computer over was because it was her birthday week. Happy 18th birthday.

Part of the weekend festivities included a trip out to "Rock the Block" on Friday night. The rain was kind enough to stay away, as evidenced by the late night crowd.

If you tried to sneak a peek in on the progress at a/perture through the window, you were treated to the following sight:

It's starting to look like a theater back there, but we thought the posters might drum up a little more interest than sheetrock. In trying to keep with the theme of a/perture, we went with quotes from independent movies that were hopefully recognized by a broader audience, including Juno, Rushmore, Platoon, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Requeim for a Dream, Amelie, and The Graduate. We know we missed some great ones, so feel free to add your own in the comments. Who knows, they could be used in some later propaganda, and we'll work on a way to thank you if we do steal, I mean license, your idea.

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