Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our Time is Running Out

You know, when I was asking for someone to make it rain, I was thinking more along the lines of Pacman Jones showering the Triad with dollar bills than the monsoons of my motherland. But what better way to beat the nastiness outside than to cozy up to your computer and see how things are coming along at a/perture. Fortunately the storm held off long enough for our chairs to be delivered without being soaked on Monday.

Am I the only one who was a little disappointed that the chairs arrived, not ready to be broken in, but with some assembly required? I guess it made it easier to carry in 109 boxes of pieces instead of 160+ chairs. BIG thanks to the guys that were able to clear out the truck in NASCAR pit crew like time.

As I've mentioned a few times before, this is the week all the front of house equipment was scheduled to come in - seats, speakers, screens, drapes, etc. It's actually starting to look like an art house in there.

As this thing keeps getting closer and closer to being a reality, we are made painfully aware of how much there is left to do. However, everyone we talk to tells us we're ahead of the game. How, I don't know, especially when we're still looking for a beer distributor. HOW COULD I LET THIS SLIP THIS FAR! Distributors, if you're reading this, contact me, and make sure to bring plenty of samples. I don't make any of the decisions, but bribery of the blogmaster can and will help your case((s) get sold - sweet pun score!).

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