Sunday, December 13, 2009

There's a reason E.T. didn't want to leave Earth

So remember how when you were 15, you couldn't wait to get your driver's license so you could get out of the house whenever you wanted? Then, when you did get the license, it was turning 18 so you could assert your independence, and get out on your own? Then, it was turning 21, so you could do whatever kids do at that age. Then, turning 25 so your car insurance rates would go down? That constant feeling of let's just get here and then everything will be awesome pretty much sums up how things are at the theater. Screens? Seats? Projection Equipment? Point-of sale systems? All the million little things that you keep saying you'll do later, then one day you're less than a month from opening up???? If the housing market wasn't so bad, I'd just sell the house and go ahead and move into a/perture's office space, since Lawren and I have been living there, along with other family members, who have been amazingly accomodating through all of this mess. However, all my worries melted away when the magical delivery truck caring all of this showed up the other day.

Sweet, sweet candy. I know we looked for suggestions on crazy stuff to serve up, and we've filed them away, but starting out the fare is pretty classic, with maybe a trick or two up our sleeves. I'm just happy to see Reese's Pieces, possibly the most underrated candy ever made. There, I said it, and E.T. would agree. These various nectars of the gods have got to have a home, right?

The soda fountains are coming in this week (Coca-Cola products, in case you were wondering) and we might even pull that popcorn popper out of storage. And I did finally figure out how to use Lightspeed, no thanks to any of you. I'll remember that when we're open. Double ticket prices for all blog readers! That's the kind of power I have since I did setup the POS (point-of-sale, not the other commonly used acronym). Not the kind of deals you were looking for, huh? Ok, I'll change it back to regular price for you guys. Only because I love you all.

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